Obituary of Ronald E. Dunlap
Ronald E. Dunlap, age 47, of Clinton, NJ died Saturday, February 23, 2008 at the Hunterdon Medical Center in Raritan Twp., NJ. Mr. Dunlap was born December 15, 1960 in Newark, NJ the son of Isabelle and the late James Dunlap. There will be a Graveside Service on Thursday, February 28th at 11:00 am at the Evergreen Cemetery on Halstead Street in Clinton, NJ.
For everything there is an appointed season, and a time for everything under heaven
a time for sharing,
a time for caring,
a time for loving,
a time for giving,
a time for remembering,
a time for parting.
You have made everything beautiful in its time for everything you do remains forever.